[Pinkmuhlina] Things that helped with Post Op Recovery of Plastic Surgery in Korea!


Things that helped with 

Post Op Recovery of 

Plastic Surgery in Korea!

[Pinkmuhlina] Things that helped with Post Op Recovery of Plastic Surgery in Korea!

Most customers are very worried about the recovery and what things helped after surgery. 

So, this is a list that may help for your recovery after surgery - it can be applied to all kind of the plastic surgery!

[Pinkmuhlina] Things that helped with Post Op Recovery of Plastic Surgery in Korea!

◈ Elevate your feet as much as possible the first 8 weeks.

: for 1~2 months are the most important recovery time to disswelling and this position is very helpful for blood circulation!

◈ Take prescribed medication daily followed the instruction.

: Painkiller, antibiotic, anti-inflammation, disswelling are included so it helps relieve from the pain and swelling.

◈ Use Lymphatic Drainage drops in your beverages.

: It would be the after all the swelling goes away but this needs to be confirmed with your surgeon.

◈ Drink Water, Arnica Tea, and all-natural pineapple juice.

: There are no restriction on eating or drink but drink lots of water or take some health supplements that help to flush out all the swelling, it helps to recover and easy activities.

[Pinkmuhlina] Things that helped with Post Op Recovery of Plastic Surgery in Korea!

To relieve from the swelling, recommend you to wear the compression socks longer than recommended or up to knees, it helps to reduce from the swelling. And if you normally have swelling everyday then recommend you to wear the compression clothing during the night or sleep.

Of course, avoid high sodium meals and drink, alcohols the first 2 weeks to prevent severe swelling and also, the possibility of the inflammation.

[Pinkmuhlina] Things that helped with Post Op Recovery of Plastic Surgery in Korea!

If you want to know what thing you need to be prepared or want to share if you have a tip to recovery from the surgery, share with Pinkmuhlina as follows:

Linktree: pinkmuhlina

E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea


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