[Pinkmuhlina] Calf Reduction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Reborn to be K-Pop Girl-group leg shape!



Calf Reduction Before & After Selfie

in Korean Plastic Surgery

: Reborn to be K-Pop Girl-group leg shape!


[Pinkmuhlina] Calf Reduction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Reborn to be K-Pop Girl-group leg shape!


*This Photos and reviews are provided from the customer who had Calves reduction procedure with Botox injection and under agreement for an official use*



 [Pinkmuhlina] Calf Reduction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Reborn to be K-Pop Girl-group leg shape!


She used to have a body complex especially the calves.

Even though she put an effort on the calf reduction with work out and appetite control, her calves were still big and also big muscles too.


After she had calfs reduction procedure and calves Botox later on, she felt like she reborn!

Her calves size was not only incredibly reduced but also, shape was very sleek like a K-pop Girl group idols!



[Pinkmuhlina] Calf Reduction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Reborn to be K-Pop Girl-group leg shape!

Of course, she stretched the legs and control appetite after the procedure.

 She regrets that she did not come to the clinic earlier!

 All the staff were very nice and also, medical team were very professional!

 There was ZERO disappointed point at all!

 Everything was so satisfied with their medical service, medical skill & experience, and also, the result!



[Pinkmuhlina] Calf Reduction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery: Reborn to be K-Pop Girl-group leg shape!


If you want to know what procedure she had done to make her calves slim and straight like K-pop Idol Girl group leg, contact Pretty Body Clinic as follows:

Linktree: pinkmuhlina

E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea


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