[Pinkmuhlina] Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning in Korean Plastic Surgery


Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning

in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pinkmuhlina] Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning in Korean Plastic Surgery


There are 3 steps to get rid of the dark circles depending on the factors that causing it.

The most common procedure improves the dirk circle would be the lower eyelid fat repositioning surgery especially for the 40~50's.

 [Pinkmuhlina] Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning in Korean Plastic Surgery


As aging progresses, the power of the diaphragm under the eyes weakens, and the lower eyelid sags or protrudes convexly, making it look tired and dark.

A rejuvenating effect can be achieved by removing and repositioning fat through the conjunctiva to eliminate sagging under the eyes.

[Pinkmuhlina] Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning in Korean Plastic Surgery


The progress of the Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning surgery is:


Step ONE: Design considering the range of protrusion.

Step TWO: Make minimal incision on the inner conjunctiva

 Step THREE: Reposition the fat focusing on the bulged and sunken areas of the eyes.

Step FOUR: Sutures incision to strengthen the conjunctiva


 [Pinkmuhlina] Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning in Korean Plastic Surgery


If you have the concerns one on the list at least then required to be done Lower Eyelid Fat Repositioning Surgery!


Who have looking tired because of the dark circle

Who have fat under eyes

 Who have drooping skin due to the wrinkle under the eyes

 Who have the hollowed lower eyelid

 Who looks depressed because of the fat pocket and wrinkle in the lower eyelid


If you want to get a more youthful looking face with simple procedure in Korean Plastic Surgery and need accompany with the procedure, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

Linktree: pinkmuhlina

E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea



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