[Pinkmuhlina]Change your fashion style suites on your perfect body shape with Liposuction surgery in Korea!


Change your fashion style suites on your perfect body shape with 

Thigh Liposuction surgery in Korea!

[Pinkmuhlina]Change your fashion style suites on your perfect body shape with Liposuction surgery in Korea!

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had thigh liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use*


She always had concerns with Big lower body not only on thighs but also had very thick calves and ankle as well.

(of course have some stubborn fats on arms as well, and could not wear the tight top and not wear the skirt or skinny pants as the legs were very the thick and the thickness from thighs to calves were the same.


Even she worked out so hard, she had lost some weight but cannot make body shape more better especially cannot see any differences on lower body part.


She had some research for liposuction surgery and read lots of reviews about the clinic. This clinic was the most impressive reviews and how the staff were so grateful. The doctor is very well-known for the bulk liposuction surgery with body sculpting as well.

[Pinkmuhlina]Change your fashion style suites on your perfect body shape with Liposuction surgery in Korea!

From the reviews, the staff and doctor were very nice and consultation was so good with doctor.

The second thought of her mind, getting Breast Fat Transfer at the same time of getting thigh liposuction surgery.

At first, had the 1st breast Fat Transfer on 25th October 2021 

and of course, had 360 degree thighs+Hipline+Knee Liposuction surgery

Calf reduction, Ankle liposuction surgery all together in same day.

 On the surgery day, she had her period started and suffered with the period pain

(you know, cannot take any medication on the surgery day)

The staff took care of me and hold her hands until she fall asleep.


The doctor explained so well about the procedure and the fat will be transplanted on which area of the breasts to fill out the sunken area.


[Pinkmuhlina]Change your fashion style suites on your perfect body shape with Liposuction surgery in Korea!

When she was in the recovery room after surgery, the nurses in the recovery room were very nice and took care of her so nicely like they are her mother or auntie.

She's still having severe swelling but the M size of pants are quite big to her.

She is so exciting to see how's her body will change after all the swelling goes away.


She can see the some volume on her chest part with breast fat transfer.

Personally, she had some pain from day 1 but it was subsiding slowly after few days.


Her another part of the body liposuction will be on 26th November 2021 with 2nd Breast Fat Transfer.

Will update it once ready!

[Pinkmuhlina]Change your fashion style suites on your perfect body shape with Liposuction surgery in Korea!

If you want to change your clothing style, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea



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