[Pinkmuhlina]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery



Abdomen Liposuction 

Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery


She used to be very skinny for 20 years since she was born.

However, drinking a lot since starting the work and gained a lot of weight.

She thought she never get gained weight in her life. 

And the people surrounding me, they also said she also the same like them gaining weight after she gained weight.

Especially the belly fats is hardest part cannot lose. This fats is all from the drinking. 

Work out harder and ate very tiny bit but could not lose weight at all!

(The body type is changed once she starts to drink0

She stressed out with the belly fats and more stressful that this is the first time she is having big belly.

She did not want to go out and do not want to do anything. (Anyway, cannot go out a lot due to COVID19)

She decided to undergo the liposuction surgery to spoiled herself and prevent the depressions.


Started to do research and visited 3 clinics and they all said very casually that she does not have that much fats to remove.

But Liposuction surgery itself is the huge surgery to me and so scared.


This Clinic was the only clinic explained more detail and how much fat will be removed from her body, how the body look like after surgery so she paid all the payment for her abdomen liposuction surgery. 

Surgery itself make her feel afraid but went to surgery as it helps to get rid of the biggest stress in her life!


As the other reviews, she had severe swelling till 3 days and tightening on the abdomen like she did pushups more than 200 times (more painful when she coughs)

It was not easy to stand and sit (as said before, tightening abdomen like muscle pain, not pain sewing the skin)


All the discomfort and painful days gone, now she is having flat and skinny abdomen.

She felt like All the stress and pressures were washed out.

She loves her new abdomen shape more than when she was very skinny.

Healthier, and slimmer than when she was very skinny.


[Pinkmuhlina]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery


If you want to get rid of the belly fats in one procedures and need a help to find a reputable Liposuction surgery center, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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