[Pinkmuhlina]3rd Real Story: Seul-Ji's Make over Story with Face Liposuction and fat Grafting in Korea



3rd Real Story: Seul-Ji's Make over Story with Face Liposuction and fat Grafting in Korea





[Pinkmuhlina]3rd Real Story: Seul-Ji's Make over Story with Face Liposuction and fat Grafting in Korea


Let's start Seul-Ji's Realstory of Facial contouring procedure.


She had her facial liposuction to get rid of the fats around the jawline and double chin

to make sharper V line.

And then fill out the flat forehead for more 3-Dimension shape

During the recovery, there were not many changes due to swelling and facial band is squeezing her all the facial skin to forward.

However, after 1 month of the facial liposuction and forehead fat graft, her looking is more confidence and slim!

Of course, her facial impression is totally changed to Chic and Pretty from Sleepy and lazy looking (what she told)


[Pinkmuhlina]3rd Real Story: Seul-Ji's Make over Story with Face Liposuction and fat Grafting in Korea


When she took a photo of herself, she is smiling and look much happier even if she is not making a pose to be happy!

She is addict to taking photo of her by finding her confidence with what she is looking now!

[Pinkmuhlina]3rd Real Story: Seul-Ji's Make over Story with Face Liposuction and fat Grafting in Korea


If you want to change your facial impression or want to make your face slimmer without cutting bones, or need a help to find the most reputable Plastic Surgeon in Korea, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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