[Pinkmuhlina] Real Story: Thigh Liposuction Surgery improvement process Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery



Real Story: Thigh Liposuction Surgery improvement process 

Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina]Real Story: Thigh Liposuction Surgery improvement process Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery


The above photos and changes are from our customer and selected her selfie photos as our realstory model.

She suffered with her big thigh size since she was teenagers and saved her money to get the thigh liposuction surgery when she turned to over 20's.


She was not only concerned about her big thighs but also concerned of the shape of the thighs.

Especially the outer thighs were very thick like a pocket in each.


After Thigh Liposuction surgery, she can see the shape changes more than size reduction.

Every month, her thigh and leg line is getting firm and smooth. of course, her thigh size reduced more than 10cms!


Thigh Liposuction is not only get rid of the thighs fats but also encourage the customers work out without stress!

 [Pinkmuhlina]Real Story: Thigh Liposuction Surgery improvement process Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery


If you want to get rid of the thigh fats or more information of her thigh liposuction, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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