[Pinkmuhlina]Motivates your body confidence and self-confidence all together with thigh Liposuction surgery in Korean Liposuction!

Motivates your body confidence and self-confidence all together with
 thigh Liposuction surgery 
in Korean Liposuction!

[Pinkmuhlina]Motivates your body confidence and self-confidence all together with thigh Liposuction surgery in Korean Liposuction!

* This before&after photos and reviews are provided from the customer who had 360degree thigh hipline and knee liposuction surgery at this clinic.*

*Under agreement with this clinic and customers allow to open it on online*

She had 360 degree thigh, Hipline, and knee liposuction surgery and also, Calves nerve block, and calves botox injection at the same time.

This is 25 days post thigh liposuction surgery.

She was so curious not much size reduction on 3 weeks post and slowly getting slim leg line. 
Had a thigh gap and getting skinnier day after day.
Why people said hell of the waiting until 3 weeks!

Escape from her thick calves too and she always said that she bought (Kind of Korean joke) her self-confidence and body confidence with money!

This is the first time walk around wearing tight leggings pants ever in her life!

Controlled her appetite for 3 weeks so she cannot eat too much!
(She could not eat a lot because her compression garment squeeze her body if she eats a lot- which she felt nausea )

She started Yoga 3 weeks after surgery (2nd days of starting yoga), tried to eat very small portion.

Before Thigh Liposuction, her weight was 54.4kgs but no 50.2kgs!
Her target weight is 46kgs!

She loves her body result and thanks to her surgoen

[Pinkmuhlina]Motivates your body confidence and self-confidence all together with thigh Liposuction surgery in Korean Liposuction!

If you want to know more about thigh liposuction in Korea or need help to find a reputable Plastic Surgery in Korea, Contact Pinkmuhlina


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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