[Pinkmuhlina]Change your life quality with Thigh and Hip Liposuction surgery in Korean Liposuction Plastic Surgery!



Change your life quality with Thigh and Hip Liposuction surgery!

 [Pinkmuhlina]Change your life quality with Thigh and Hip Liposuction surgery in Korean Liposuction Plastic Surgery!


*This before and after photos are provided from the customer who had 360 degree thigh whole hips and knee liposuction surgery at This Clinic.

This photo and reviews are taken under agreement with the customer and the clinic*


This is 7 months post 360 degree thigh liposuction and hip reduction surgery.

She is very happy with her thigh liposuction and it happened in real.


Before Liposuction, her body size was 173cm and 88kgs~89kgs.

After Liposuction surgery, she work out so hard and control appetite so she is now 70kgs~71kgs.


She does not have to worry of the size when she buys the clothes in the shop or online shop. She used to upset about the size and whether it fits to her or not.


She is having fun with choosing clothes what she wants to wear and also, self-confidence when she takes a picture of herself.


She is highly recommend the liposuction surgery to people who are concerning the liposuction surgery!


She felt she changed her life quality much better after she had 360degree thigh liposuction and hip reduction surgery. She is very happy with it.


Some people said they cannot do more procedures because they felt it was quite painful.

However, she was really fine with it and if she can do the liposuction again for the other part then she definitely do it again!

The pain was not that pain it was like a muscles pain and it gets better and better everyday!

(No pain or muscle pains after a week )


 [Pinkmuhlina]Change your life quality with Thigh and Hip Liposuction surgery in Korean Liposuction Plastic Surgery!

If you want to change your life quality, or looking for reputable Liposuction Plastic Surgery in Korea, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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