[Pinkmuhlina]Stem Cell Banking Process in Korea for healthy and long life Korean Plastic Surgery and health medical


Stem Cell Banking Process in Korea  

for healthy and long life 

Korean Plastic Surgery and health medical

[Pinkmuhlina]Stem Cell Banking Process in Korea  for healthy and long life Korean Plastic Surgery and health medical

Stem cells are defined by three cardinal properties: they are unspecialized cells, they can self-renew (generate perfect copies of themselves upon division) and differentiate (produce specialized cell types that perform specific functions in the body). Hence, stem cells have the potential to repair, restore, replace and regenerate cells that could be used to treat many medical conditions and diseases. Use of stem cells in regenerative medicine holds great promise for improving human health by restoring the function of cells and organs damaged due to degeneration or injury.

After consultation with the surgeon and also, stem cell center team for the stem cell banking system. All the process are the done by under contract that both customers and team are understand the stem cell banking system then collect the blood/or fat/or umbilical cord vein by experts. Collected blood is safely packed in proprietary transfer kits and within 24 hours reach our center.
We will perform all the necessary examination and analysis on the blood.
Once completed, red blood cells that are not needed for preservation is separated.
We will store the stem cells in either bag or storage container.
The stem cells will be kept in liquid nitrogen storage tank inside our secure facility.
Initial testing of sample is accomplished and the report is delivered.

[Pinkmuhlina]Stem Cell Banking Process in Korea  for healthy and long life Korean Plastic Surgery and health medical

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