[Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery


Arm Liposuction 

Before and after selfie

 in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had arm liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use*

She knew since she visited the clinic for pink lipolysis injection with appetite control pills but now she just had her upper body liposuction surgery.

She was regret not underwent the liposuction earlier!

At the first impression with a doctor for a consultation was impressive as the doctor understood what she really want to get the shape from the liposuction surgery.

After liposuction surgery still having a lot of swellon but can see the different!

Right after wake up from the anesthesia, she was shivering the body and the nurses at the recovery room helped her to go to toilet.

Furthermore, the nurses turned the heater on and electronic blankets as well. 

They always cheered her up and let her to have a rest!

Especially, the nurses, consultant and the doctor focused on her recovery and not recommending the aggressive diet during the recovery time.

She would like to undergo the thigh liposuction as well but her circumstances, prefer the lipolysis injection and if possible she will undergo the thigh liposuction as well.

All the staff were very nice, professional even after surgery!

FYI, she went to work the next day of the surgery and the pain was bearable so no problem to work. However, still some stiffness when she moves her arms.

[Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

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E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

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