4월, 2023의 게시물 표시

[Pinkmuhlina]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Started with Diet pills and lipolysis injection but End with Liposuction!

 [Pinkmuhlina] Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie  in Korean Plastic Surgery - Started with Diet pills and lipolysis injection but End with Liposuction! [Pinkmuhlina]Abdomen Liposuction Before and After Selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery- Started with Diet pills and lipolysis injection but End with Liposuction! *This review and photos are provided from the customer who had abdomen liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use* She used to get a non invasive procedure like diet pills and lipolysis injection but it did not work well once stop taking it so she decided to undergo the abdomen liposuction surgery to get rid of all the stubborn fats around her abdomen area. All the staff greeted her so well and the consultant was very nice and professional as well. After see the consultant she met the doctor who understand what she desired of and what shape she like to have after liposuction surgery. The doctor explained about the procedure and what shape would be shown a

[Pinkmuhlina] Saggy cheek skin after bone contouring surgery?! Find your suitable facial line with SMAS face lift surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery. Part 1

[Pinkmuhlina]  Saggy cheek skin after bone contouring surgery?!  Find your suitable facial line with SMAS face lift  in Korean Plastic Surgery. Part 1  [Pinkmuhlina] Saggy cheek skin after bone contouring surgery?! Find your suitable facial line with SMAS face lift surgery in Korean Plastic Surgery. Part 1 Skin sagging and shape dissatisfaction after facial contouring suegery. Its because, more bone is shaved and the prettier you become?! Facial contouring surgery can certainly give you a V line facial shape. Yet, many customers worry about the awkwardness and saggy skin, which appears as they get aged, after having the surgery with the wrong idea that cutting a lot of bones means more beautiful or get more V shape line. The facial SMAS lifting specialists spoke about skin sagging and shape dissatisfaction after facial contouring surgery. The cause of saggy skin after facial contouring surgery. Bone surgery requires a detachment process that separates the bone from the peritoneum surro

[Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina] Arm Liposuction  Before and after selfie  in Korean Plastic Surgery [Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery *This review and photos are provided from the customer who had arm liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use* She knew since she visited the clinic for pink lipolysis injection with appetite control pills but now she just had her upper body liposuction surgery. She was regret not underwent the liposuction earlier! At the first impression with a doctor for a consultation was impressive as the doctor understood what she really want to get the shape from the liposuction surgery. After liposuction surgery still having a lot of swellon but can see the different! Right after wake up from the anesthesia, she was shivering the body and the nurses at the recovery room helped her to go to toilet. Furthermore, the nurses turned the heater on and electronic blankets as well.  They always cheered her up and let her to have

[Pinkmuhlina] SMAS facelift and Glow treatment before and after photo in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina]  SMAS facelift and Glow treatment  before and after photo  in Korean Plastic Surgery [Pinkmuhlina] SMAS facelift and Glow treatment before and after photo in Korean Plastic Surgery If you have both concerning of the super dry skin, dull skin tone, and saggy skin then this SMAS face lift surgery and glow skin injection help to improve your concerns at once! This procedure is the suitable to all ages from 20's to over 60's After SMAS face lift surgery and glow skin treatment using stem cell,  you will see in a month ◈ Improvement on skin elasticity ◈  Improvement on fine wrinkles ◈  Keep your skin moist deeply and for long ◈ Brightening skin tone from dull skin tone [Pinkmuhlina] SMAS facelift and Glow treatment before and after photo in Korean Plastic Surgery ◈More information, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows: Linktree: pinkmuhlina E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea Blogspot: Pinkmuhlina

[Pinkmuhlina]Arms and Armpit liposuction before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pinkmuhlina] Arms and Armpit liposuction  before and after selfie  in Korean Plastic Surgery   [Pinkmuhlina]Arms and Armpit liposuction before and after selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery *This photos and reviews are provided from the customer who had arms, armpit liposuction surgery and under agreement for an official use* She used to suffering with the flabby arms and armpit area so decided to visit  for a consultation. The consultant she met was very nice and explained about the procedure well.  Also the doctor was the head doctor who understand what the main concern of her body. He made her very comfy and answered all the questions what she asked. All the staff and the nurses were very friendly and professional. Especially the nurses from the recovery room they took care of her so nicely like the sister! Glad that she chose this clinic for her arm liposuction surgery and discharged after recovery. Still some pain and stiffness on the arm area but she still can see the differences!

[Pinkmuhlina]Candidate for SMAS+Anti Aging Dermal Injection in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pinkmuhlina  Candidate for   SMAS+Anti Aging Dermal Injection  in Korean Plastic Surgery [Pinkmuhlina] Candidate for  SMAS+Anti Aging Dermal Injection in Korean Plastic Surgery Those in their 20s who want to start anti-aging care but have a lot of choices, People in their 30s who are feeling the onset of aging in their skin, Those in their 40s and 50s who want more fundamental care than procedures such as fillers and Botox, Older people in their 60s or older who have poor collagen regeneration can also become younger through mouth wrinkle injections. [Pinkmuhlina] Candidate for  SMAS+Anti Aging Dermal Injection in Korean Plastic Surgery ◈More information, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows: Linktree: pinkmuhlina E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea Blogspot: Pinkmuhlina

[Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and After selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

 [Pinkmuhlina] Arm Liposuction  Before and After selfie  in Korean Plastic Surgery [Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and After selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery She had consultation with 2 different clinics with good reviews and result but she decided to undergo arm liposuction. The consultation with the doctor and consultant were very professional and also, explained about the procedure well. All the staff at the clinic were very kind and friendly especially the nurses from the recovery room! They helped her for the toilet and walking. They took care of her so well. Its only few days post and still having severe swellon and some pains but so looking forward to see the final result! [Pinkmuhlina]Arm Liposuction Before and After selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery More information, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows: Linktree: pinkmuhlina E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea Blogspot: Pinkmuhlina

[Pinkmuhlina]SMAS Face Lift & Dermal IV injection for improvement on wrinkles skin elasticity and skin glow effect in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina] SMAS Face Lift & Dermal IV injectio n for  improvement on wrinkles skin elasticity  and skin glow effect  in Korean Plastic Surgery [Pinkmuhlina]SMAS Face Lift & Dermal IV injection for improvement on wrinkles skin elasticity and skin glow effect in Korean Plastic Surgery Any face with fine wrinkles, drooping face, dull skim tone, aging tracing face Two effects of dermal intramuscular injection 1. Improves wrinkle and elasticity During the dermis, collagen that strengthens the skin and platelets that maintain skin flexibility and elasticity are injected directly into the skin to improve wrinkles and elasticity by creating elastin. ◈ Collagen regeneration improves fine wrinkles and deep wrinkles ◈ Natural lifting effect for elasticity  1.  skin glow effect The powerful hyaluronic acid component of the dermis injections suppresses the production of melanocytes due to ultraviolet rays, and makes skin tone transparent and white as well as pigmentation such as freckles