[Pinkmuhlina]Calves Reduction Before and After selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery


Calves Reduction Before and After 

selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

[Pinkmuhlina]Calves Reduction Before and After selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

*This review and photos are provided from the customer who had calves reduction procedure and under agreement for an official use*

Her calves are a lifelong complex, so She went to get counseling, explained it kindly, and made it comfortable

without recommending any other procedures, so she made a deposit right away

Please remove a lot from the doctor before the surgery.

She just said one thing and went into surgery

she woke up from anesthesia after surgery, 

but she didn't feel any pain at all. It hurt only when they put pressure

on her, and it didn't hurt at all.

If she stayed still But she woke up because she  had to go to the bathroom, and as soon

as her feet touched the ground, she was dizzy like a newborn elk, but it was okay when she went back and forth from the bed.

And on her way home by subway, it was better than she thought, so she went home a little late 10

She took three days off, including the day of surgery, and went to work

If you stay still, it doesn't hurt, but when you walk, it feels like muscle pain, so at first, you walk slowly

Oh, she was thinking about wearing the pressure garment at home, so she decided to wear it to the top of her foot, but she recommend you to wear it.

She bought it at Olive Young at home, but she kept waking up because she felt numb when She wore it, but customized compression clothes are

comfortable without that.

Anyway, she doesn't feel uncomfortable living all day in a compression Garment. 

She disinfected it once a day and

washed it carefully so that the suture would never get stained

Why did you do that so long? That's what she thinks It hasn't gotten dramatically thinner in less than a month, but I'm happy

when she sees it in the morning she didn't have any pain, so she was able to do her daily life right away

 People around her who had

liposuction said it hurt a lot, so she was worried, but it must be people by people she is good at surgery Afterwards.

Anyway,she has been recommending a lot of course

It was hard to find a review of calf liposuction, but she hopes her review will help many people Everyone, Cheers!

The hospital is very clean

[Pinkmuhlina]Calves Reduction Before and After selfie in Korean Plastic Surgery

If you want to know more about the calves reduction procedure in korea or need a help to find the reputable plastic surgery center, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

Linktree: pinkmuhlina

E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea

Blogspot: Pinkmuhlina



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