[Pinkmuhlina]Full Face Fat Transfer Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery – Find real face with facial fat transfer from the poor looking face after Excessive diet!


Full Face Fat Transfer Before and After 

– Find real face with facial fat transfer from the poor looking face after Excessive diet!

[Pinkmuhlina]Full Face Fat Transfer Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery – Find real face with facial fat transfer from the poor looking face after Excessive diet!

She had stressed out from the poor looking face after excessive diet and she saw the advertisement at Pretty Body Clinic!
So she visited Pretty Body Clinic for the consultation and decided to undergo the procedure with them ASAP.

There was no such a pain on face after surgery but have some muscular pain on thighs for 2 weeks.
The next week she started work and no problem at all.
From the gasp, the fat on the Nasolable area absorbs faster than other area so she cover her mouth with her hands when she laughed.

A month post now, the fat volume is stable as what she really liked and she also liked with some swelling so she is considering for her second fat transfer too.

She really satisfied from the consultation to post surgery!
All the staff here were very nice and they take of each single patients well.

Next time when she comes for 2nd fat transfer consultation, she will do the other procedures at the same time

[Pinkmuhlina]Full Face Fat Transfer Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery – Find real face with facial fat transfer from the poor looking face after Excessive diet

If you lost how you looked after excessive weight loss or after bone contouring surgery or need a help to find the reputable liposuction surgery center, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

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E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea


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