[Pinkmuhlina] Recti Diastasis Procedure Before & After : Smooth Feminine Belly like before pregnant


Recti Diastasis Procedure Before & After

: Smooth Feminine Belly like before pregnant

 [Pinkmuhlina] Recti Diastasis Procedure Before & After : Smooth Feminine Belly like before pregnant

Do you remember how was your belly like before when Child birth?

Of course you do, and very disappointing that your belly shape is not the same shape what you born with!

Suddenly the surface of the belly is lump and cannot get rid of the belly fats even though work out hard and control appetite.

It's not a fat problem, you need to fix the muscle layer that separated left and right side after child birth!

Without Recti Diastasis procedure, you won't get a size reduction on your belly whatever you undergo the liposuction or diet on.

There are not many surgeons can fix the muscle separation even though they advertised they are the specialist of the body contouring or body lifting procedure!

Recti Distastes procedure is under the sleep anesthesia (IV Sedation/ or can be under the general) and mostly performed with abdominoplasty.

Tighten the sagged skin and also, muscle layer with tightening laser treatment before start the muscle correction.

With the wave suture technique, each of separated muscles are closer each and make more natural muscle shape.

(This part is the most important in Recti Distastes procedure)

Once all the skin and muscles are tightened then close the incision part on the underwear line (It can be covered with the underwear)

If you worry about scarring then Stem Cell Abdominoplasty surgery will help you to get a scar secretly.

Each side of the muscles are closed and sagged skin are tightened, you can see the surface of the abdomen is smoother than before undergo recti diastasis procedure!

After repair the fundamental problem, then you definitely can see the good result of work out or appetite control for your body-goal!

This Recti Diastasis procedure is not only for the sagged skin or overweight case but also, it improves on the standard/ or skinny belly too if you have a muscle separation shape like her.

 [Pinkmuhlina] Recti Diastasis Procedure Before & After : Smooth Feminine Belly like before pregnant

If you want to make your belly surface smoother with Diastasis Recti surgery in Plastic Surgery Center in Korea or need accompany with the consultation, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

Linktree: pinkmuhlina

E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea



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