[Pinkmuhlina]SMAS Face Lift surgery Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery - How to continue to maintaining High-SMAS facelift result?



SMAS Face Lift Before and After 

 - How to continue to maintaining High-SMAS facelift result?

[Pinkmuhlina]SMAS Face Lift surgery Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery - How to continue to maintaining High-SMAS facelift result?

To maintain the results of the facelift procedure, the additional Volume Fat Grafting is recommended.

Although customers have different methods to manage their face lift results, consecutive facial fat grafting from ONE to THREE years can be done to maintain the long-lasting results of the facelift procedure.

 [Pinkmuhlina]SMAS Face Lift surgery Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery - How to continue to maintaining High-SMAS facelift result?

Some minor treatments such as tightening laser treatment, skin rejuvenating laser treatments, or dermal injections can further help maintain the surgery result.

After SMAS facelift surgery, no more incisional or surgical surgery would be needed to make your skin tighter more than 5~10 years (its depending on customers skin elasticity level)

Underneath of the skin layer, the aging or losing fats is in proceeding so, non-surgical treatment or fat grafting procedure would be helpful to maintain the SMAS face lift result!

[Pinkmuhlina]SMAS Face Lift surgery Before and After in Korean Plastic Surgery - How to continue to maintaining High-SMAS facelift result?

 If you want to know more tips how to maintain the SMAS face lift result, Contact Pinkmuhlina for accompanying with the reputable Korean Plastic Surgery Center:

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E. Pinkmuhlina@gmail.com

Facebook: pinkmuhlinakorea



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