[Pinkmuhlina]Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery - Recovery



Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck 

Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery

 - Recovery

 [Pinkmuhlina]Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery - Recovery


Tummy tuck surgery in Korea is considered a major surgery and usually lasts at 3 hours. 

It is performed under Sleep Anesthesia (IV Sedation) or General anesthesia depending on your body condition and health condition. 

So will not feel any pain during the operation!


Instantaneous results, though you might experience a little numbness and bruising for several weeks to months.

Movements around your abdomen area such as sitting up etc. will be restricted and excessive movements are discouraged.


To get rid of the discomfort and help the fast recovery after tummy tuck surgery, Post operative treatments are provided :


Tightening program


Scarless Program 

The recovery program will be provided after your stitch removal of tummy tuck procedure!


 [Pinkmuhlina]Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Before & After in Korean Plastic Surgery - Recovery

If you want to get a tummy tuck procedure done or need a help to find a reputable Body Contouring surgery center in Korea, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com
Pinterest: Pinkmuhlina


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