[Pinkmuhlina]Facial contouring surgeries performing in Korea!


Facial contouring surgeries performing in Korea!

[Pinkmuhlina]Facial contouring surgeries performing in Korea!

Facial contouring surgery is not about bone cutting surgery in Plastic Surgery industries in Korea.

There are many surgical method to contour your facial line more V shape or smooth facial line with Face lift and Fat Graft depending on customers' demand and main causes.

The most common procedure for facial contouring is Fat Graft for young customer or who wants to get rid of the fats in body and fill out the fats in your sunken area.

Fat Graft/Transplant is injecting the fats on sunken area and there is no incision mark on the face.

The fats will be taken from Abdomen or thighs where the most fats in your body!

Facial Fat Grafting surgery provides the natural 3-Dimension face and smooth facial line in short term!

The second procedure would be the SMAS facial lift and neck lift.

This procedure is mostly well-known for over 50's but recently the ages getting younger down to 30's.

The main reason would be there are many people have a saggy skin caused after facial bone cutting surgery.

Once people get a bone contouring surgery their skin is saggy within a year or after a year even their ages are around 20's.

SMAS face lift and neck lift surgery help to tighten the smas layer and make more firm and V shaped facial line for long. (at least 10 years)

The incisions are follow the lines of front and back of ears so can be covered with hairs.

The incisions are fade out slowly and look much natural.

Neck lift surgery mostly recommended for the customers who are concerning of double chin area.

This double chin may caused with excess fat cells but also, caused by saggy skin.

There are not many fats so mostly are the saggy skin.

Get a neck lift surgery will help you to complete your V shaped facial line in the future after facial bone cutting surgery
[Pinkmuhlina]Facial contouring surgeries performing in Korea!

If you are looking for a facial contouring procedure or need help what facial contouring procedure would help to improve your facial line, contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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