[Pinkmuhlina]Get your body confidence back with Fat Transfer Brazilian Butt Lift(a.k.a BBL) in Korean Plastic Surgery Center


Get your body confidence back with Fat Transfer Brazilian Butt Lift(a.k.a BBL) in 

Korean Plastic Surgery Center

[Pinkmuhlina]Get your body confidence back with Fat Transfer Brazilian Butt Lift(a.k.a BBL) in Korean Plastic Surgery Center

*This before and after photos with reviews are provided from the customer who had Fat Transfer BBL and Thigh liposuction revision at clinic*

" she already had thigh liposuction at the other clinic 3 years ago where the most well-known liposuction surgery center in Korea, but she did not happy with her result so work out very hard.

However, its really hard to get rid of it so decide to get it done again.

The most suffering area is her square butt.

The fats should be sited in her boobs not butts.. always covered her butt with long T-shirts.

she had serious concerned about her long and square butt so she researched and read the reviews then  decided to get a BBL surgery.

 she was living in the provinces so  hard to come and back. She asked several clinics where she can get a consultation only with her photos and had consultation whether she can get a desired butt or not.

What she can get from BBL and what is not impossible, and etc.

Researched and had consultation very thoroughly.

The surgery areas : 

- 360degree thigh liposuction revision 

- 360degree Abdomen Liposuction

- PRP fat transfer BBL

- Thigh botox injection

As you can see, her thighs are not smooth at all and uneven. And she could not go to Sauna facility because the butt.

Therefore, she wanted to get those procedures with Dr. Jung  who are well-known for thigh liposuction revision and fat transfer BBL!

On the surgery day, she was so worried about the surgery on KTX express train when she was on the way to the clinic

If she gets all the surgeries done, she was worried about the staff in the clinic will be ignored me or discomfort her..

However, she thought totally wrong!

All the staff in the Clinic were very kind and they always answer her questions with their lovely smile face!

Of course, the consultant was very kind even she looked really cold at the first time she met her. But only her face looking! She is really nice and funny like a sister!

she felt more comfortable to get a surgery with this Clinic!

Her heigh and weight is 160cm / 52kgs and she had a big lower body than upper body.

Before consultation, She thought getting only hip and thigh liposuction surgery might help to improve her butt and thighs but it was just her thought!

During the consultation with Dr.Jun, he asked her where the most concerning area and marked on her body and explained about the surgery very nicely.

she loves him and his result! 

She was 1000% understand why everybody wants to get a surgery with him!

She asked him what can he make her shape prettier in her body without sagging because she heard so many things  that there will be saggy if butt surgery goes wrong.

He recommend Fat Transfer BBL and where needed to be fill out and where needed to be removed.

He took care about her and know what is her concerns with desired body shape!

BTW, she had not enough(almost no fats) good fats taken from her thighs due to she had thigh liposuction before.

Took out the fats from thighs and abdomen area then transfer it to the butts!

Transfer around 600cc of pure fats in each side of butts. 

The Pure fats removed both on thighs and abdomen were 2,400cc 

After surgery she had a good and deep sleep in the recovery room (I slept only 2 hours before surgery day)

She felt extremely thirsty so I drank a water a lot and the consultant gave me a porridge (I forgot to bring it).

After She ate the porridge, I needed to go toilet and the nurse help me to go toilet.

she able to go to toilet by myself after she ate the porridge and drink lots warm water.

she asked the nurse to give her a painkiller before she leave a hospital just in case she can feel pain on the way of home.

Felt much better and cannot believe I had surgery ! (Only have some stiff on my butt )

After I had few hours of rest in the recovery room, I needed to catch a KTX express train to get home.

Safely I reached at home.

I was really worried on the surgery day whether I need a guidance or someone who can carry/ nursing me but I felt more relieved that there are so many people came from the other provinces much far away from this clinic. And also, my consultant took care of me a lot so felt much more comfortable too!

The Next day, I could not any pain at all when I wake up in the morning!

And I took an iron tablets just in case. Once removed the fats, I might feel dizzy due to remove the energy source(fat). - All the women should take iron health supplements everyday even you have not done any surgery at all.

I did those surgeries without knowing my family and still they do not even know about it. LOL

I had no problem to walk for a half hour to buy antiseptic medications.

I will update the reviews more after all the follow up.

[Pinkmuhlina]Get your body confidence back with Fat Transfer Brazilian Butt Lift(a.k.a BBL) in Korean Plastic Surgery Center

If you are looking for a body contouring procedure or need help to find a suitable Plastic Surgery Center in Korea, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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