[Pinkmuhlina]Blepharoplasty surgery for middle ages: Upper blepharoplasty in Korean Plastic Surgery



Blepharoplasty surgery for middle ages: Upper Blepharoplasty 

in Korean Plastic Surgery

Turn sagging, droopy eyes into stunning and bright eyes!

[Pinkmuhlina]Blepharoplasty surgery for middle ages: Upper blepharoplasty in Korean Plastic Surgery

Upper Blepharoplasty is a procedure that involves resection of redundant skin and musculature of the upper eyelid.

Aging of the Upper Eyelid/brow complex.

With aging, a customer may notice the upper eyelids feel " heavy" & " Droopy".

This can be caused by the eyebrow descending, upper eyelid skin excess, or both.

From this, the corners of the eyes are covered with skin, and blocks the vision.

Also cause wrinkles by using the forehead to open the eyes.

[Pinkmuhlina]Blepharoplasty surgery for middle ages: Upper blepharoplasty in Korean Plastic Surgery

Remove the drooping skin, excess fat and tissue of the eyelids, and creates a more natural double eyelid line and a youthful looking appearance.

Only takes about 30minutes to 1 hour and simply can get it under Local anesthesia.
Very simple and common procedure among the middle ages.
But it's a very easy way to get a younger looking appearance too.

[Pinkmuhlina]Blepharoplasty surgery for middle ages: Upper blepharoplasty in Korean Plastic Surgery

If you want to get a more brighter and defined eyelids, or need help to find a suitable Plastic Surgery Center in Korea,

contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:


Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com




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