[Pinkmuhlina]Liposuction Revision FAQ_Considering for a Liposuction Revision after first liposuction failed


Liposuction  Revision FAQ_

Considering for a Liposuction Revision after first liposuction failed

[Pinkmuhlina]Liposuction Revision FAQ_Considering for a Liposuction Revision after first liposuction failed

Question One

What is Liposuction Revision?
▷Revision Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to correct irregularities and/or undesirable end results from prior liposuction surgery. Most commonly, customers seek revision liposuction because a prior surgery removed either too much or too little fat.

Question Two

Can Lumpy liposuction can be fixed?
▷By using VASER2 liposuction, it helps to improve the unnatural contours and wavy, lumpy skin associated with unsuccessful prior procedure. It's an unprecedented body contouring method that allows surgeons to obtain dramatic, smooth, and consistent results for first-time and revision customers alike.

[Pinkmuhlina]Liposuction Revision FAQ_Considering for a Liposuction Revision after first liposuction failed

Question Three

When can I get a revision Liposuction after first Liposuction?
▷ As human nervous system and muscle structure is a very complex layout, proper understanding of the nervous system and muscle structure anticipate the result of the surgery. Revision Liposuction is very difficult surgery to perform after the first liposuction fails with the use of advanced technologies and surgical expertise. individuals must be wait for at least 6 months after the first liposuction to go for a revision liposuction to achieve a good result.

Question Four

What cases can be fixed with a Revision Liposuction?
▷The possible cases for a revision liposuction are:
 Less fat removed --> Liposuction
Excessive Fat removed --> Fat Grafting
Line Asymmetry --> Fat Grafting or Liposuction or can be both
Scarring--> laser treatment that helps fade out but needs a long-term 
(It normally get fade out in 1~2 years after surgery)
Lost Elasticity --> Belody2 lifting laser treatment (if the saggy is not that bad)
or Body lifting procedure if you have a severe saggy issue.

[Pinkmuhlina]Liposuction Revision FAQ_Considering for a Liposuction Revision after first liposuction failed

If you are considering for a Revision Liposuction in Korea or need help to find out a suitable Plastic Surgery Center in Korea, Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

linktree: pinkmuhlina

Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com



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