[Pinkmuhlina] Incisional Face Lift Surgery FAQ-What is an incisional Face Lift Surgery?

Incisional Face Lift Surgery FAQ
: What is an incisional FaceLift Surgery?

[Pinkmuhlina] Incisional Face Lift Surgery FAQ-What is an incisional Face Lift Surgery?

Question One

At what age should I consider a facelift?

▷You may be a candidate for a facelift surgery if you are overall good health and have enough excess skin or sagging in the face and neck to make the operation beneficial.
In the past, average ages of customers were from 40's. However, recently around 30's of many young people get interesting for a facelift surgery due to their lifestyle and foods.
As everybody has the different skin elasticity level, the surgical method would be considerable though doctors' diagnosis.

Question Two

Will my face be numb?

▷ After your facelift procedure, some numbness of the skin in the cheek area and neck is quite normal. Feeling will usually return in 1~2 months.

[Pinkmuhlina] Incisional Face Lift Surgery FAQ-What is an incisional Face Lift Surgery?

Question Three

Do I get a swelling and bruises badly?

▷ The level of swelling and bruises will be different depending on customers' body type. Normally, the swelling and bruises are not that much noticeable after 7 days but if you usually get swelling and bruises badly then you might have severe bruises and swelling after facelift as well.

Question Four

When Do I get a stitch removal?

▷ Stitches are usually removed around 1~2 weeks after surgery. 

[Pinkmuhlina] Incisional Face Lift Surgery FAQ-What is an incisional Face Lift Surgery?
Question Five

How long the effects of a facelift last?

▷ The benefits of a facelift last about 10 years. so depending on how old you are when you have a facelift and skin elasticity.

Question Six

Will there be scarring?

▷ Facelift scars are hidden in the hairline, in the folds behind the ears or under the jawline, so they are not very noticeable.

[Pinkmuhlina] Incisional Face Lift Surgery FAQ-What is an incisional Face Lift Surgery?

If you want to know Full Face Lift surgery procedures in Korea, or need a help to find a suitable Plastic Surgery Center in Korea, 
Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

linktree: pinkmuhlina
Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com



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