[Pinkmuhlina] Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?



Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?

[Pinkmuhlina] Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?

A Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation + Lift or Breast Reduction , Breast Reduction with nipple reposition?

Women with sagging breasts or loss of breast volume will often wonder if their breasts can be enhanced with just an implant, or if a Breast Lift or Breast Reduction will be required to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing outcome.

The only way to determine which surgical procedure is suitable through analysis.

[Pinkmuhlina] Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?

If you are involving the followings, then you will be a candidate for Breast Reduction!

  • You have overly large breasts or a high level of ptosis
  • Your breasts hang low and have stretched skin
  • You experience back, neck and shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts
  • You have developed a skin condition beneath the breast crease
  • You have trouble purchasing bras to fit you and are often in discomfort from the straps supporting your breasts.
  • You are a healthy weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You understand that weight gain and pregnancy may interfere with Breast Reduction results

[Pinkmuhlina] Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?

Breast Lift alone will lift your breasts & nipples but generally reduce the overall size of your breasts and will add just minimal breast volume.
If you have minimal breast tissue available or hope to obtain a perkier appearance with upper pole fullness, an implant can be helped to improve your size, shape and projection.

[Pinkmuhlina] Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?

There are number of surgical techniques can b used to help you lift/ or inflate your breasts to create a more youthful appearance, including a Breast Augmentation, a Breast/ or Nipple lift(reposition), a combination of these procedures or a Breast Reduction.

[Pinkmuhlina] Which Breast Procedure is Right For Me?

If you want to know more about Breast surgery in Korea or
need to find out a suitable Plastic Surgery Center in Korea,
Contact Pinkmuhlina as follows:

linktree: pinkmuhlina

Email: pinkmuhlina@gmail.com


Kakaotalk ID: jaydenmama


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