[Pinkmuhlina] Anti-Aging : Full Face Lift Procedure Before and After Photo!


Anti-Aging : 
Full Face Lift Procedure 
Before & After Photo!

Anti-Aging : Full Face Lift Procedure Before and After Photo!

A Face lift can create a youthful, energetic, invigorated facial appearance.
Excess fat is removed (ie. Wrinkle or frown lines can be removed) 
-Provide the precise youthful looking appearance with natural facial impressions!

Anti-Aging : Full Face Lift Procedure Before and After Photo!

Unlike the threadlifting, invasion facial lifting goes for about 10 years
(Depending on customers' skin elasticity and facial movement)

For most customers, results from an invasive face lift will last about 10 years or more.
The skin on your face will continue to age after you have a facelift, which is why the results aren't permanent.

Anti-Aging : Full Face Lift Procedure Before and After Photo!

The scar is around the back of year and hair lines so nobody can notice the procedures
after 1 month of recovery time.
(Most of effect is obvious from 3 weeks to a months to look natural)

Stitch removal is about 7 days to 14 days. 
(removes half of stitches on 7-8th days of the surgery then removes all the stitches after 7-8 days of the first stitch removal)

If you are sick of getting threadlifting every short terms,
or suffering with your saggy skin.
PINKMUHLINA finds you a right Plastic Surgery Center in Korea
to get your Plastic Surgery in ease


Kakaotalk ID: jaydenmama


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